In this difficult moment of pandemic Assnas wants to thank IFSW and IFSW Europe for the
media the call for help for sending and unlocking health resources from abroad, using the
federation and the work of all associated states there was a warning in resolving an important
part of the situation. A big thank you is due from Assnas for this precious intervention that has
favored the work of Italian diplomacies. A particular and even more profound and heartfelt
thanks goes to those countries that, in addition to all this, have sent healthcare personnel here to
Italy and donated valuable material for the management of the epidemic as did Russia, China,
Cuba, Albania and Romania, a thank you very much because many lives have been saved with
I also thank all the countries that have communicated their proximity to Italy with messages,
emails and gestures of solidarity and all those who have constantly updated on the Italian
situation, especially Iran, which despite the tragedy of the pandemic has invested. hard has
always developed very close and in solidarity with Italy, thanks !!!
Furthermore, with some countries there was the possibility of speaking by sharing the Italian
experience and the Italian Social Service in this pandemic, as happened with India, (Kerala),
Niegeria, Australia, Azerbaigjan, and many others. A thought of solidarity and closeness in Croatia, torture of COVID-19, was also affected by an earthquake with serious damage.
By renewing my thanks, I express the honor and pleasure and pride of belonging to this
Federation of Social Service which works in full respect of the founding principles of Social
The President Assnas
Paola Pontarollo